Using the Main GUI

Once all of the desired DataSource objects are created, simply group the DataSource objects together in a list or tuple, and then call launch_main_gui(). For example, using the two DataSource objects created from the last section gives:

import mcetl

all_datasources = (xrd, tensile)

The main GUI has the following steps:

  • Main Menu (Choosing the DataSource and Processing Steps)

  • File Selection

  • Importing Data from Files

  • Naming Samples & Columns

  • Processing

File Selection

Manually Selecting Files

Manual selection of files is easy and fast. To start, the number of datasets needs to be entered, and then the number of samples per dataset. Each dataset will be one sheet when writing to Excel.

Next, a window will appear to select the files for each sample in each dataset (see the file selection window in the gallery section of the documentation). Simply press 'Add Files', and select all of the files for each sample. To remove a file, just select it and press 'Del Files'.

Searching Using Keywords

Files can also be searched for using keywords. However, this is usually more difficult than manually selecting the files and should only be used if searching for files within a deeply nested folder structure. Further explanation of keyword searching for files is given when actually using within the main GUI, and will not be covered here since its usage is discouraged.


After selecting files, a file called "previous_files_{}.json" is locally saved, where {} is the name of the selected DataSource. This allows quickly bypassing file selection in case of repeated processing of the same files.

To get the file path where the files are saved, simply do:


Importing Data from Files

See the Importing Data section of the tutorial for the explanation of how mcetl imports raw data.

Note that numeric data after importing is downcast to the lowest possible representation (for example float is converted to numpy.float32) to reduce memory usage. If this would be an issue, be sure to include appropriate Function objects to convert to the desired dtype.

Naming Samples & Columns

The name of each sample for each dataset can be specified, as well as the column name for each column in the dataset. Column names are generated using the column_names input for the selected DataSource. The gallery section of the documentation shows an example of the sample and column naming window.


Processing includes any processing steps selected in the main menu, including processing the data using the Function objects for the selected DataSource, fitting the data, plotting the data, writing to Excel, or moving files. Each step should be self-explanatory.

The output of the launch_main_gui function will be a single dictionary with the following keys and values:

'dataframes': list or None

A list of lists of pandas.DataFrame, with each dataframe containing the data imported from a raw data file; will be None if the function fails before importing data, or if the only processing step taken was moving files.

'fit_results': list or None

A nested list of lists of lmfit ModelResult objects, with each ModelResult pertaining to the fitting of a data entry, each list of ModelResults containing all of the fits for a single sample, and east list of lists pertaining to the data within one dataset. Will be None if fitting is not done, or only partially filled if the fitting process ends early.

'plot_results': list or None

A list of lists, with one entry per dataset. Each interior list is composed of a matplotlib.Figure object and a dictionary of matplotlib.Axes objects. Will be None if plotting is not done, or only partially filled if the plotting process ends early.

'writer': pandas.ExcelWriter or None

The pandas ExcelWriter used to create the output Excel file; will be None if the output results were not saved to Excel.