Fitting GUI

The fitting submodule of mcetl provides functions and GUIs for fitting data. mcetl uses the lmfit library for fitting data using non-linear least-squares minimization. For in-depth discussion on the theory and available methods/models for curve fitting, the lmfit documentation is highly recommended.

Please note that the fitting submodule is included in mcetl to allow a fairly basic curve fitting option. If other curve fitting software is available, such as fityk or Origin, the author highly recommends their usage instead of mcetl.

Basic Usage

To use the fitting GUI in mcetl, simply do:

from mcetl import fitting

A window will then appear to select the data file(s) to be fit and the Excel file for saving the results. No other setup is required.

Usage of the fitting GUI is fairly straightforward, and the GUI should notify the user if any issues occur and allow correction without terminating the program.

After doing the fitting, the fit results and plots will be saved to Excel.


Currently, mcetl only provides functions and a GUI for performing peak fitting. A later release of mcetl (v0.5 or v0.6) is slated to add general fitting routines, to allow fitting arbitrary models to data. Further, that release should also add the option to save the fitting options from the GUI to a file so that the options can be reused for fitting other data, similar to how the plotting GUI does it.

Advanced Usage

To be added.